Let's Get This Party Started

I suppose I should write a little something here and there in order to create a little "muscle memory" for the brain. I've been saying for a while now that I want to write a memoir at the ripe old age of 35... I think I'll approach it in parts. Bits of memories sprinkled into my days until that time where I can put them all together as a collective work. I may even have a few entries in a day followed by several days with nothing. So here goes.

Trials and tribulations. I used to hear those words often when my father would pray out loud. Always asking God to see us through something or thanking Him for having already brought us through a trial or tribulation. I didn't' know what it meant. Hell, i wasn't even paying attention to his praying most of the time. But I heard the words and they've stuck with me all these years. Funny thing is... I know what they mean now even though I've never actually needed to look them up in a dictionary. I guess languages have a way of doing that to people. We sort of just "get" things without being expressly told what it is that those things mean. An inherent human ability, if you will.

I don't know how far I will get with this. I may or may not finish it. My mind wanders off in different directions so quickly. As soon as one thought comes, it reminds me of something else. It's a continuing process until I can't remember what it was I was thinking about in the first place. I suspect that I will one day go crazy, and I mean that in the most clinical way possible. Perhaps that's why I want to put some of this down now. So it isn't lost. I chuckle inside at myself for even proposing that anyone else will even give a s** about the things that I've done. I'm not a celebrity. Not a professional musician. Nobody special. Just a regular guy with a regular family with regular problems. This is reality. Not the crap on TV. There's nothing real about that.

I'll say some things in this project that may or may not piss some people off. They may feel let down that I've included some details that they probably wish I didn't share. I've thought about that at some length and the way I see it, experiences I've shared with someone are just as much mine to disclose as it is theirs. Sure, I'll leave some shit out. Never said this was a "full disclosure" project, regardless of my position on transparency.

If you're out there reading this, whoever you are, thanks.


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